Oh and when I say abstinence. I mean abstaining from having sex with others. Masturbation is 100% encouraged for those experiencing sexual frustrations from puberty. I spent a whole week of lessons on ‘self love’. Must teens act out because a deluge of new, deeper, and ‘unknown’ to them emotions. New meaning emotions that they’ve heard of but are yet to experience. And unknown as sexual emotions that have no real way to explain to someone that is yet to experience them. So the first way to release that stress is either throwing yourself into a HEALTHY combination of hobbies, skill, and/or Masturbation.
This usually was a topic that parents had the most hangups with. I’d always say, do you want to have the conversation with your kid about Masturbation? Or do you want to have them learn about Masturbation from their friends or internet? (it was always a no to both questions.) I’d give them the who curriculum for the sex Ed segment and they’d usually come back with yes I’ll allow my teen to take your class. Hell I’d even allow them to sit in on classes… As long as it wasn’t the same one with their teen. Because that’ll be so messed up to do to your own kid.
I initially had a typo in the first point that flipped it’s meaning. So I’m sure this is a universal opinion for 99.999% of limmy users.