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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • In the Venn diagram of “how fucked am I, personally, if Trump wins?”, they’re not the first, second, or even fifth group that gets murdered in a ditch by Christo-fascist militias. So upsetting the status quo is only seen as risking/actually hurting themselves today, over a possibly in the future. Any talk of “divisiveness” is milquetoast dereliction, the MAGA fringe are not honest negotiators.

    They’re not actual allies, they’re fair weather friends. For all the rhetoric of “resist” that was thrown about in early 2016, I saw a lot of pink pussy hats and very little black-block. Politics is still a game to them, the stakes aren’t real. Yet.

  • Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a statement that the case raises “difficult questions about the adequacy of current postconviction remedies to correct a conviction secured by what we now know was faulty science.”

    At least Sotomayor had the decency to comment with a denial, but the rationale is confusing

    the constitutional question raised by McCrory has not “percolated sufficiently in the lower courts.” But she urged state and federal lawmakers to establish paths for inmates to challenge “wrongful convictions that rest on repudiated forensic testimony.”

    It’s a judicial issue, dealing with evidentiary criteria within courtrooms. How much more ‘in your lane’ does it have to be? If it was challenged to SCotUS on appeal, surely that has “percolated sufficiently in the lower courts.” no?

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzPie
    10 hours ago

    There few things more painful than seeing your boss struggle through something you know intimately, but because of ego and hierarchy you can’t hand-hold them in front of everyone. Until they finally stumble through and declare proudly “Hah, that was easy!”

    …It was a hidden column Jeremy, not someone else’s VBA code without comments you have to repair.

  • The reporters sensed it instantly. Even though the 90-minute debate was only seconds old, they felt it was already over… He had not been warm. He had not been likable. He had not shown emotion. He had merely shown principle.

    In 1988 Michael Dukakis had his campaign torpedoed by poor debate performance when asked ambushed with a hard gotcha question.

    Another candidate might have survived that first question and answer. But not Dukakis. It devastated him because his coldness was already an issue.

    And it is the same with Biden. The biggest anxiety of both his supporters and haters was demonstrated on national television. How do I defend that when arguing with people about who to vote for in the election?

  • In exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised… This victory fund agreement, however, had been signed in August 2015, just four months after Hillary announced her candidacy and nearly a year before she officially had the nomination.

    Emphasis mine. It was a captured field, with a performative primary - Hillary/‘s campaign abused their position against a broke DNC and elevated herself above all others.

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWe coulda had Bernie...
    1 day ago

    A lot of retrospective handwringing forgets this, or the vile comments that came out during Bill’s multiple sexual assault allegations.

    Hillary was not the right candidate to fight Trump, Jeb Bush more likely. After Obama, returning to an establishment candidate was a mistake, and I don’t care if “it’s her turn” after stepping aside in 2008. Politics has real consequences for people who don’t vacation in the Hamptons.

  • No, I want him to call their bluff and rise to the challenge of meeting this constitutional crisis. The top court in the land has gone off the rails, and seemingly in collusion with a concerted effort to destroy the rule of law.

    Blithely waiting until the election to “let the people defeat Trump” is dereliction. This ruling may be curated in deference for Trump, but unless it is challenged forcefully it will not just go away on January 7th 2024 if Trump loses again. Because when the question of “What are ‘official acts’ v ‘private acts’ then?” comes up, it’ll go right back to the SCotUS the Heritage Foundation and their interpretations.

  • He’s such a wonderful director, but him doing every voiceover and interview can be a little jarring. Films like Cave of Forgotten Dreams or The Killing Fields he was perfect for - his semi-cursed vocabulary and raspy voice lends well to wonder and sadness, but Grizzly Man…?

    Maybe get an intern instead for the interview with the dead guy’s mother idk

  • I found a real easy approach to any undesired solicitation - zero contact, no reaction. Works on telemarketers, panhandlers, salespeople etc.

    I have no shame about ghosting you publicly when the only thing you’re after is my money. If I’m in the home generator store, sure thing bro talk to me about my home power needs. If I’m walking out the supermarket and you slide around a booth to “help me keep my home safe during unrest” nah fam you can fuck yourself.

    Cold open sales is parallel to pick-up “artists” imo. You want the transactional outcome for yourself, and my consent is the only thing you’re concerned about taking care of.

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetookmatewanker@feddit.ukgood news lads
    9 days ago

    It’s right that I should now stand aside as leader. What I said during the referendum campaign is I want my country back. What I’m saying today is I want my life back… I have never been, and I have never wanted to be, a career politician.

    Nigel Farage, MEP 1999 - 2020, Reform President 2021 - present, after resigning as UKIP leader

    He got exactly what he supposedly wanted with the Brexit referendum, and then fucked off to do TV and radio interviews. He’s not a serious leader, just a shit slinger who refuses to take the mantle and be left making hard decisions.

    Never mind that he’s bankrolled by Arron Banks, who seems to keep having meetings with Russian oligarchs and ambassadors for ‘business deals’, or that his trophy wife may be a spy.