I was here.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • I used to rummage ruminate often, meaning that many old conversations, arguments, and aggressions lingered in my mind for days and would upset me very much. I went to a psychologist and she was incredibly dismissive so I had to deal with that on my own because I felt ashamed to go anywhere else. Thankfully, I don’t have them anymore or as much as I used to.

  • I didn’t know you’d actually added sources

    Yeah, that’s because you refused to read.

    Nothing makes me less interested in reading a comment

    And nothing makes me less interested in a conversation than when someone is outright dismissive without reason and would rather use a fool’s errands as the goalpost. You do whatever you want with that, I’m done with whatever you have to say.

  • asking a chatbot to do it for you

    It’s the future, friend. I’m not about to spend 3 hours of my precious time on something like this just so you can dismiss it in three seconds and strut on the board like a mindless pigeon.

    it’s not important enough for me to read

    And that’s great! I added the sources manually, so you can at least read those. The summaries were for your convenience but I guess you don’t like such commodities.

    I would genuinely love to hear

    You would genuinely not read it, so why bother. You got like 15 decent things he’s done right here that you won’t even glance over because you seem a little intimidated by it.

    unless his administration actually upholds those standards, which they won’t

    On their own volition or does obstructionism count?

    Biden’s got my vote by a hair rn

    I frankly don’t give a rat’s ass what you got by a hair.

    If you wanna show me some of that without the help of your friend, I’d legit love to see it

    No, you don’t. You’d just love to give someone a fool’s errand and laugh about it later.

  • asked chat gpt to make a post claiming he’s not a piece of shit

    I did? Or did I simply ask it to compile a list of policies from the web that were pro and against climate change efforts? Because it seems rather impartial about it overall. Or is there a specific aspect of it that bothers you besides Biden doing progressive things that you randomly label as liberal?

    Or are you just unaware of how…

    I’m unaware of whatever bullshit you’re on about. You have a huge list to debunk now but all I see is you deflecting and making shit up.

    You either debunk it or you accept that you’re talking out your ass. You choose.

  • What’s so wrong about making another one, editing and manually adding sources? What part of that makes it not important to spend closer to 30-40 min on it? And what if I didn’t know another list exists? What if I’d rather make my own so you don’t have the bullshit excuse to dismiss it. Because now you got two lists to contend with.

    And is it me who doesn’t care or are you projecting? Because it sounds like a copout from you.

    Like I said, you’re irksome and I don’t mind doing it for that sole reason alone.