I tend to prefer Hiroshima sort. Sorting completed in O(1) time, and it frees up memory too.
I tend to prefer Hiroshima sort. Sorting completed in O(1) time, and it frees up memory too.
Yes. UBI has been a leftist conversation point for the last few years. Overall though the Democratic Party is opposed [1]. Two years ago when asked if the democrats would step up efforts to help people in financial straights the response was an effective no [2]. If I remember correctly that was even a campaign promise from Joe Bidden, that nothing significant would change.
And despite that, when the democrat’s made promses when it comes time to follow through they have a hard time enacting their goals. I will grant that a big chunk of that is republican interference, but the democrats seem to be extremely hesitant to use the levers of power available to them to follow through. When one side is blatently, openly cheating, its folly to keep trying to play by old rules.
And please don’t get me wrong, nothing I’m saying should be taken as endorsement for the Republicans. I want to live in a world of rational debate and law. However, both sides have to agree to that for it to work. When one side wants to win at all costs the democrats can’t keep playing from the same old book forever.
[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/10/us/politics/biden-economy-midterms.html
Let’s start with the 70% or so of people that report living paycheck to paycheck[1] rather than claiming that the 'economy is doing fine. Let’s even acknowledge that inflation is making good and housing prohibitively expensive[2].
The things you mentioned are important. For people that are struggling to keep a roof over their heads though the issue of Healthcare or education tend to be less critical than keeping food on the table. We can’t keep saying the economy is doing fine while people keeping trying to tell us it isn’t.
[1] https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-statistics-2024/
Its disingenuous to the actual issues facing young men, but right on point for how people seem to see mens issues. It is in fact a perfect example of why men might just feel put upon by the left.
I wouldn’t say I don’t value being a good person, but I’m tired man. It’s getting real hard to hold onto my faith in humanity to be better.
I’ve tried being a good person, to help people when I can. I look around though and all I see are selfish assholes having a much better time, assholes who aren’t sad, and despondent all the time.
To twist the saying, if assholery is bliss, this folly to be kind.
This is my take away from this. I’ve gotten nothing trying to live by the rules and trying to be a kind human being. At this point why the fuck shouldn’t I just be a selfish asshole, it seems to work for the people we hold as exemplars of our society.
No, because majority governments in my opinion have too much power. One of the reasons I like proportional representation is precisely because it tends to result in more minority governments, and thus better representation for a larger portion of the population. This is one of the reasons I prefer Mixed Member Proportional over things like Single Transferable Vote. The later leading to majority governments means that I disfavor it, but would still take it over FPTP.
Not OP but had a thought reading your comment. I wonder how much of this perceived shift in language is driven by corpo’s sanitizing for advertisers and how much is young people who have been fully raised online.
As you say, humans are social animals. It makes sense to me then, that if you were raised within an online environment you would naturally extend that sociability to it. However, if much of this technology grow after you were socialized would you be more inclined to see it as a relief valve to vent anger into.
I mean, no? Its given in the question that option one is an infinite amount of people. Its not limited to just the existing human race.
Pretty sure its a natural gas powered water heater, so that would be the gas supply line. As to the incandesance, no clue.
Oh wow, its almost like every thing has gotten too 'expletive ridden rant expensive. What did they expect to happen with the ever increasing costs of everything? For everyone to just keep making money ad infinitum.
“This sentence is the epitome of injustice and a dangerous nod to child sexual predators letting them know, ‘No worries, we won’t go too hard on you,’”
This seems like its missing a pretty obvious point. Its not that the judge is going easy on a child rapist. The judge is going easy on a cop, who just so happens to also be a fucking child rapist. This cop, and the judge both deserve to be in jail for the rest of their lives.
To be fair, I did have a watch that automatically synced itself to the us naval observatories atomic clocks over the air.
That it damn well is. Those rules are written in blood. I’m sad to say I knew people that didn’t follow the rules at place that didn’t care. May they rest in peace.
But … but the already tried to do it? Jan 6?! WTF!
Which I think its important to point out isn’t an endorsement. It means that we in the west should be doing everything we can to enforce our saftey standards on products sold in our countries, and if that isn’t possible then we should be bringing the manufacturing back onshore.
As an addition any company that’s 'too big to fail is also to big to exist and needs to be broken up. Where thats not practicle then it needs to be nationalized and operated as a non-profit/crown corporation.
Agreed. It’s not that I belive that the copyright holder shouldn’t have some time period that they get all rights to an ip. It’s that the current standard of lifetime plus 70 years is batshit fucking crazy.
I tend to support 20 years or less. Long enough to turn a good profit, short enough that someone who grows up with a piece of ip as part of the culture has rights to use it to their own ends.
Agreed on the feather blades, they make some awesome razors.