• 41 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I_Fart_Glitter@lemmy.worldtoWikipedia@lemmy.worldRelevant
    16 hours ago

    The sexualization and desexualization of M&M ladies were both very successful marketing schemes. How often do you get prime time Fox News Bros yelling about M&Ms, left leaning news outlets and famous and non famous folks on every social media platform making fun of the Fox News Bros who are so upset about the less sexy M&M ladies? So much free marketing, just by putting them in more comfortable shoes.

  • That is strange. It’s a felony if they have score marks here in California, but otherwise ok. Last year somebody dumped a bunch of seeds all along the weedy sides of several busy roadways here. They grew beautifully and they all disappeared on the same day. I don’t know if it was the authorities or the person that planted them or someone else. Maybe it was the deer.

    I’m sure the deer are fine. These assholes are eating all kinds of things that are known to be “deer resistant” or “poisonous” or “covered in hot pepper wax and garlic juice.” If they got a tummy ache it certainly didn’t dissuade them from coming back for more. Assholes.

  • Half of Janeway’s (the lady above) crew on Voyager were members of the Maquis before they joined her. The Maquis were freedom fighters in the resistance against the Cardassian occupation/colonization in the demilitarized zone. The Cardassians (brutal, planet-hungry, militaristic race) considered them terrorists, the Federation considered them dangerous traitors. Voyager was on a mission to catch the group of Maquis under Chakotay’s command on the Valjean (named for the Les Miserables character imprisoned for a just crime) when both ships got tossed 75 years journey from home. The two captains decided to merge their crews and Chakotay became Janeway’s first officer after Chakotay sacrificed his ship to save members of both crews.

    People have (light hearted) animosity toward Janeway mainly because she had to make a hard decision when two crew members got merged into one in a transporter accident. The resulting person was a new being who wanted to live, but keeping him alive would mean sacrificing the two original people. She also fucked around with the timeline so much that one of the time cops went insane trying to fix the issues she was continuously creating. And she’s a bit cranky when she doesn’t get any coffee.