• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • As funny as the idea sounds.

    A few million people filling in a parliamentary partition along the lines off.

    We request parliament return the right to national Banishment laws. Applied via referendum when politicians commit crimes in office. Such as those participated in by Boris Johnson over the COVID pandemic.

    The undersigned consider this to be the ultimate expression of the democratic process. And the only way to ensure future MPs recognise the importance of public opinion on their actions.

    While unlikely to pass. With a few million votes, it would be forced to be discussed in parliamentary committee. And inform BJ very clearly of the value of an STFU policy.

    More so when the parlimentary commitee points out the ECHR bans its members banishing citizens.

    If we leave parliment has no limitation to leaving boris without citizenship.

  • High use Blender users tend to avoid AMD for the reasons you point out.

    This leads to less updates due to amd users not being to interested in the community.

    It is an issuw without any practicle solution. Because as I need a long overdue update. Again nvidia seems the only real choice.

    Everyone is sorta forced to do that unless we can convince amd users to just try out blender and submit results.

    So hi any AMD users who dont care about blender.

    Give it a try and submit performance data please.

  • Tory MPs are just like labour MPs.

    Not sure what term thay use. But labour use PLP parlimentary labour party.

    Parlimentary concervative and unionist party sound like a mouth full. And PCP is an unlikely acronym to encourage them. So ill use it. Pretty sure their all on something ;)

    Sunak lost the last tory leadership election. So by definition he was never elected as their leader.

    He was a runner up as the party leadership was desperate to avoid another party election. Given the MP/PCP was so devided at the one that elected truss.

    They were more worried about the harm having a leader fight so soon would do to the party.

    Remember at least in my lifetime (50 plus years) tories sending 2 options to the members is rare. The diffierence in votes is normally large so The least supported by MPs normally backs out before that happens.

    Historically tories have always been pretty good at managing PCP seperation. The power of the far right in theor party has always been a grumpy minority. That part of the party Winning the brexit ref was the start of a change in the party.

  • Agreed. And when data like this is shared by honest consideration. It can help with moral.

    But the tittle here is extremely false. And the lack of science in headlines can be dangerous.

    I have been T1d for over 40 years. I was promised by doctors in the 1980s that e were close to a cure. I have seen friends die because of that hope. IE, thinking the cure is so close they don’t need to worry.

    I had been a T1d for nearly 20 years when science discovered the autoimmune issue. And I realised. Not only are we not close to a cure. But we have absolutely no idea how to address the immune system attacking our own pancreas.

    At the time. Sure, doctors honestly believed transplants might work. So those kids that failed to treat it like a lifetime condition. Sorry for the error. But the advice was at least based on the best knowledge of the time.

    Issue is I still see doctors claiming we are a few years from a cure, more than 40 years later. When absolutely no positive research exists covering a cure for the immune issue. This has lead to a whole generation of T1ds like me and my brother who find articles like this insulting and dangerous. As we have seen, the harm false hope can cause.

    Honestly, promise of better treatment is way more viable than promise of an unknown cure. When I was diagnosed, portable blood testing was impossible. Urine tests once a day was the best w could get. We had no fast insulin. So I had to inject to cover the whole da. And eat a little every 2 hours to prevent dying of hypoglycaemia. Honestly, not only were we unable to keep track and manage our level well. We had no idea what a non T1ds levels looked like over time.

    Modern medicine has changed T1d treatment hugely in my lifetime. To the point where my life expectancy on diagnosis was about 45 years. And my health now. Means that really is not absurdly far off. The harm done in those first years of poor insulin and no blood testing out weighed much of the later good.

    That is the story modern young diabetics need to be encouraged by. Newly diag T1ds now can expect to live as long as a non t1d if managed well. Teaching them that managing the T1d well now will lead to better easier management as the tech improves, and maybe in the future we will learn enough to actually address the immune issue. Will provide a better long term outcome to new T1ds today. Then getting hopes up for a cure just around the corner, dose. T1ds have a long history of negative humer and giving up the battle. Bad Science articles like this and worse still medicle professionals that fail to understand the actual; status of research. Maker that much worse.

  • This fails to answer the biggest question.

    For most T1D is not about not producing insulin. That is a symptom. Not the desease.

    Its a genetic condition where the immune system attacks insulin producing cells. Pancras transplants have existed since the 90s. In most cases the patients become t1d again the future.

    As t1ds have already done this to there own insulin producing cells. How dose adding our own reprogrammed stem cells help long term?

    While it may help long term. IE when we have a sullution to the autoimmune condition. It is at best a step towards a cure.

  • I feel it is important to clarify evidence.

    Numbers 5.21 is evidence of the words in the bible. So that humans who wrote the bible had no compunction with the death od a unborn fetus.

    Not in anyway evidence for or against the existance of god. Or its views on any subject.

    Science is agnostic. My personal view is athiest

    Evidence and understanding its meanong is the difference between the 2.

    This is why I habe pointed out several times I am in no way critisising your religion. Just your use of religiose like ideas to proove scientific or lefal points.

    That things look the same is not evidence they are the same.