Honestly, without going into too much detail - aimlessly wandering and exploring is kind of a Zelda games thing. More so with the older ones. Trying to play the original NES with no guide other than my own notes is a lesson in patience, and I replay it every year. As well as ALttP here. You don’t need to find all the heart containers, so don’t spend too much time searching for them - a lot of them are going to be hidden behind items you haven’t unlocked yet. Save that for part of your final dungeon prep. Do look for the enhanced armor to take less damage though - however I’m not sure when exactly that unlocks to be found.
But the swamp palace is a PiTA. Those water skimmers are a giant pain always running into you, and all the various switches and backtracking. I don’t want to say that the dungeons get easier after this one - it’s just where the game really starts to Zelda and the mechanics of the game should start clicking as you go through and on to the next one, making them easier.
Yeah, unfortunately that’s kind of how it is. I don’t know how many SNES or earlier games you’ve played but it’s a similar design philosophy for that era of games. You were expected to be a kid with massive amounts of free time - and generally back then our game libraries were only a couple games.
When I had ALttP on the SNES my only other games were Wizardry 5 and Mortal Kombat - so it was easy to remain on-task with ALttP and not get frustrated/distracted by other games.
There was no handholding or guided-ness to games. Usually a notebook by your side to keep track of locked items, hand drawn maps, and etc to keep track of everything in between sessions.
It didn’t matter much as a kid back then because that’s just how games were. I mean look at the mega man games - those are brutal to try and play now. But for someone going in fresh, without the nostalgia factor, I can see how it would be considered difficult to get into.
But there’s no shame in not finding it enjoyable. Just because it’s a classic doesn’t mean it’s for everyone.
If you’re set on it though - and you have a 3DS - A link between worlds is a good medium. That’s a bit more modern and not as difficult, while maintaining the core gameplay. I think I died a total of 3 times on my first play through so it wasn’t difficult at all.
Playing through that then going back might make ALttP more enjoyable on a second attempt.