LOL, he shot a CEO, not somebody from an ethnic minority. Trump and Musk won’t lift a finger to help him.
LOL, he shot a CEO, not somebody from an ethnic minority. Trump and Musk won’t lift a finger to help him.
Hemingway fought in this war for Italy and was wounded. He wrote the novel „A farewell to arms“ after that, that’s based on his experience.
I recommend it. You can say about Ernest Hemingway what you want, but he could write.
Oh no! Not my coffee!!!
Awesome pics, thank you.
Yeah, reviews can be really helpful of course.
Just have a friend who tells me the whole time what games are supposed to be bad because of wokness and stuff. He isn’t even interested in them in the first place, so it’s kind of annoying.
So I vented a bit, sorry.
Only 20 during the whole year?
And videos complaining about videogames.
Thank god we have YouTube videos that tell us what games to like and what games to hate. Imagine we would have to make this decision on our own.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich auf einen echten Klassiker hinweisen:
Der Song „Silberfische in meinem Bett“ von Fettes Brot.
Leider sehen die Lieblingsteile irgendwann abgetragen aus, und Jeans mit Löchern kann man im Alltag problemlos tragen, aber zu besonderen Anlässen taugen sie Nix.
Ich empfehle halt einmal im Jahr shoppen zu gehen, wer weiß, vielleicht findet man ja ein neues Lieblingsteil. Den anderen Geschlecht gefällt das durchaus auch, wenn man ein Mindestmaß an style vorzuweisen hat.
Aber ich halte es für eine gute Sache, die alten Klamotten instandzuhalten. Die kann man dann gut daheim oder im Garten anziehen.
Hyperinflation of the Weimarer Republik says „Guten Tag!“
Seriously, just printing money has the potential to go catastrophically wrong.
Understandable reaction, I wouldn’t buy YouTube premium either.
I blocked the community for now. I love cats, but I still want to see other content.
Probably not, but I consider „come outside!“ as pretty creepy.
Fuck Strava. After not using it for a bit it’s now pestering me to start the app again. The begging starts to get a bit creepy to be honest.
Yes, absolutely! The ability to do that immensely valuable.
I actually don’t like to use it too much, because I like to see whats going on and don’t want to lock myself into a bubble.
But my instance is thankfully defederated from lemmygrad and hexbear and I think about blocking .ml too. I think nothing of worse will be lost.
While I have my run ins with tankies sometimes, I actually don’t think it’s that bad. Join an instance that blocks lemmygrad and hexbear, ignore or block it too and you’re golden.
That’s the power of fediverse, it’s flexibility.
Also tankies have a strong foothold on Lemmy, because they were here first. But they are not as numerous as you or they themself think. Watch them outside of their safespace communities and see them downvoted into oblivion.
Some time ago some Tankie on called South Korea „occupied“. After I asked about it I was banned, lol.
(Well my comments in the thread were arbitrary deleted and I couldn’t post anymore.)
Du sprichst exzellentes Englisch und bist hier auf Lemmy. Das zeigt bereits, dass fähiger bist als du denkst.
Und du bist noch ein Baby. Weißt du wie lange ich gefailed habe, bis ich mein Leben auch nur ansatzweise auf die Reihe gebracht habe? Länger als du am Leben bist.
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