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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • Pretty much all RCS goes through Google servers. They control all the implementations, even in the cases where a carrier has implemented it themselves they likely use Google Jibe system.

    If your speaking to someone over RCS you should expect Google to be involved. Even with apple implementing it on iPhone. iPhones are likely to default to iMessage between each other, so the other user is likely an android so messages are getting routed through Google. It’s likely apples decision was based on pressure from Google and the billions of dollars they give apple every year.

    Google has repeatedly made attempts to make a messaging app that have failed. RCS is their chosen method to get access to app messaging metadata and it looks to be working. They are displacing text messaging and making it look like nothings changed.

  • Googles attempt at intercepting all text messages.

    It’s supposed to be SMS 2.0 but only google took it serious and it’s only supported by Google. Most carriers that do support it are using Googles Jibe system, they’ve now pressured apple into using it as well. Likely tied to the many billions they pay apple every year.

    Google doesn’t let anyone else make a RCS app except them and Samsung. So you can’t get a free and open messenger with it.

  • It should be the 2013 borders. Before the invasion of Crimea. Russia agreed not to invade Ukraine, in exchange for Ukraine giving Russia it’s nuclear weapons. If Russia doesn’t give everything back, then it can’t be trusted to make any deal with any nation. Including peace deals.

    Any agreement needs Ukraine to get all it’s territory back, and allow them to join NATO. Russia can’t be trusted. But they won’t challenge NATO directly. Europe also needs to take defence more seriously. Only eastern Europe is really taking the Russian threat seriously. Western Europe was fooled into thinking they won the cold war. Russia and China never saw it as over.

  • It won’t generate random numbers. It’ll generate random numbers from its training data.

    If it’s asked to generate passwords I wouldn’t be surprised if it generated lists of leaked passwords available online.

    These models are created from masses of data scraped from the internet. Most of which is unreviewed and unverified. They really don’t want to review and verify it because it’s expensive and much of their data is illegal.