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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I’m not sure why you linked me to a chart of mammals. Hunting mammals may be a good way to feed a small population, but as you point out it’s not feasible for the entire world.

    Three fourths of all animal biomass is aquatic (fish, crustaceans, and mollusks), together accounting for 30-40 times more biomass than humans. Mollusks are the smallest component, but they still have more biomass than all the mammals in your link put together. Fish by themselves account for seven times as much biomass as all animal livestock put together. And crustaceans have even more combined biomass than fish.

    I’m not even suggesting that people eat only fish. Rather, by including some fish in our diet we would reduce our reliance on farm-grown vegetables.

    Globally, humans currently eat an average of 20 kg of fish/crustaceans/molluscs per year. That might be a bit too much, but I have no doubt that we could sustainably eat 10-15 kg per year.

  • Killing animals is inevitable regardless of diet. Your plant based diet requires growing crops, but tilling soil and harvesting plants kills millions or billions of invertebrates. They are so small that they escape everyone’s attention, yet they are still animals killed to make your food.

    Fishing and hunting kills animals too, of course. But it does not require literally uprooting an ecosystem.

    Finally, a trolley has no moral agency either. That doesn’t mean nobody should interfere with it, or even destroy it if it threatens enough other lives.