• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I apologize if this is too long. Feel free to skip to the tl;dr at the bottom if you wish.

    Level 5½.

    Most of my family didn’t really disown me so much as just not inviting me to anything anymore. Or talking to me. Or calling/texting me.

    Of the four people who were left:

    • One was flat-out Level 5 – they AFAIK haven’t changed to this day; we haven’t spoken for almost 11 years. I typically refer to her as “That Bitch”.
    • One was Level 5 leaning toward Level 4 – thankfully, after a talk with them and some subsequent healthy eavesdropping on their end of a conversation with me and a friend of theirs (yes, I knew about it), they swiftly turned into a Level 1 and eventually one of my heroes in life. That was 6–7 years ago… I love my Dad. :)
    • One was Level 3 – she’s still Level 3 and I have accepted that she will never change but she has at least largely also accepted the fact that so won’t I and that it’s not a phase. But at least we’re not fighting…
    • And one was Level 1 with a dash of Level 2 – sadly, my paternal grandmother has been dead for a few years now. :( Rip…


    tl;dr: Holy fuck, fuck, fuck then not fuck, sadface, and rip da homie…

  • Honestly? I agree with you that the benefits seem kind of marginal. But I still think it’s a fascinating thing. :)


    On doing some reading about it and trying it out for myself, the file size reductions are hardly marginal. It’s actually quite impressive. Still, it seems for most people, including myself, that jpeg for lossy & png for lossless is more than adequate, especially with how cheap storage is nowadays.

    (And, frankly, I appreciate seeing at a glance if an image is lossy or lossless, but I imagine that’s a priority most people don’t have. Lol.)