i said: tea, earl grey, hot, motherfucker.
yup, works for me.
i said: tea, earl grey, hot, motherfucker.
yup, works for me.
data-plumbing-for-corporations tends to be able to be done in a way that’s easily testable, but also most people get paid to bolt on new shit onto old shit and spending time on “done” code is discouraged so once they fall behind on writing tests while developing the new shit those tests will never be written.
and bad developers that won’t write tests no matter what actually do exist.
my problem is not with words changing there meaning its with words losing meaning.
rest api today means any api ontop of http where response bodies are json, but nothing more, we can’t get much more general when talking about web apis than that, “rest” is almost meaningless and we don’t have a new word describing APIs that adhere to the constraints of what restful meant, but those are a useful tool for building web applications that can easily be used by a web browser. no matter if you like fielding-rest-style-apis or not, you lost the ability to call them by a name and gained murky mumbo jumbo for it.
I’d Agree in most cases, but not in this one.
Rigor in definitions allows us to express a lot of complex things in a compact form. this allows us to treat “Cars” as something different than “Motorcycles” while both a motorized vehicles.
the same is true for REST-API and other API-Types, while all of them are just a means to allow services to exchange data, they tell us a lot about how this exchange happens and what to expect, but only if we use the words in a way that they represent the concept they were meant to represent. Otherwise we end up with meaningless buzz words like “rest”, “agile”, “scrum”, “artificial intelligence” and so forth, instead of meaningful terms found in the jargon of other engineering disciplines like “magnetism”, “gravity” or “motor”.
wenn ich die originalsprache kann dann spiel ich in der originalsprache.
wenn ich die Sprache nicht kann, aber Menüs und Untertitel in einer Sprache haben kann, die ich verstehe spiele ich in Originalsprache mit übersetzten Menüs und Untertiteln.
Wenn ich die Originalsprache nicht festellen kann Spiel ich auf Englisch.
tl;dr: wenns kein Spiel von deutschsprachigen Entwicklern ist, dann Spiel ich auf Englisch.
ich finde für jeden fasho sollten 2 Gegendemonstranten generiert werden.
Oskmin Laschorius!?
Armkar Pistschet?!
e: ich bin doof. also:
Bormin Laschorius?!
Armris Pistschet?!
beide nicht so schnell wie Oscar und weniger bewaffnet
hab den ersten Teil der Teufel reihe und das Füg-An Höllenfeuer auf der Dampfterrasse instaliert. Mein Mönch trägt jetzt eine Kuhrüstung und der wecker hat nur 30 min später geklingelt :/.
if iam sitting like this iam not listening, because i am to busy trying to keep sitting like this.
give me atleast a deck of cards to shuffle and allow me to look around.
du lernst nicht für die Schule, du lernst fürs Leben*
* irrelevantes zu filtern ist wichtig und hält den Kopf frei für wichtiges, wie Simpsonszitate oder den Fakt, dass Katzenpenisse Widerhaken haben.
i’ve only read about rust, but is there a way to influence those automatic implementations?
equality for example could be that somethings literally point to the same thing in memory, or it could be that two structs have only values that are equal to each other
Das ginge mit dem Gnu nicht Unix Gnu Nicht Unix Gnu nicht Unix… Bildmanipulationsprogramm.
Strings are Objects, Doubles are Objects (that are than unboxed into primutives doubles)…
Fledergurke ist der Held, den wir in diesen geschmaklosen Tagen brauchen.
i don’t get the nihilism angle. it seems to be all about selffulfilment and pushing oneself to see what one is capable of. simmiliar to triathlets, race car drivers or climbers.