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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 23rd, 2024


  • Uh huh.

    So when I kick down your door and execute you for not agreeing with me politically, it won’t be a fascist action, good to know.

    But, hey, as FUN LITTLE EXCERCISE let’s look at Umberto Eco’s 14 points.

    1: The cult of tradition/syncretism

    Fun Fact: we’re based on a model of the Roman Republic. You know, the thing that conquered all its neighbors and turned into an Empire? It’s not like we adopted any of their other symbols, right? Definitely don’t have a fasces in the House Chamber.

    It’s not like the fastest growing religion in this country is the one where they pretend Jesus came to America to bless it specifically. Fuck Australia and South America tho.

    2: Rejection of modernism

    Ok, fair enough, never been a big failure of America until recently. America was founded on Enlightenment ideals, whether or not it lived up to them. Gosh, it’s a good thing they haven’t been dirty words in the right for a century!

    3: Action for action’s sake. Thinking is a form of emasculation.

    Don’t even try.

    4: Disagreement is treason.

    Okay, fair enough, we’re a contentious bunch, and we can all agree that as long as they aren’t a filthy commie we can all say the things we basically agree on.

    5: Ur-fascism is racist by definition. Fear of differences is a primary motivation.

    Bro. The genocides… Plural. And ever present.

    6: Appeal to social frustrations.

    I mean, literally how people get elected.

    7: The obsession with a narrative.

    The American Experiment (didn’t invent democracy or republics btw). Manifest Destiny. The Lost Cause. American Exceptionalism. Even The Arsenal of Democracy. The Red Menace. The Deep State.

    8: The enemy is both weak and strong.

    The savage Indians need Civilization or they’ll kill you in their sleep! Let’s go take their land! These Africans are like children that need to be guided! They’ll also kill you in your sleep! These commies are starving and will conquer the world!

    9: Pacifism is treason.

    Find an American that’s an actual pacifist without being part of a weird religious cult (that actually reads the Bible)

    10: Contempt for the weak.


    11: The cult of the hero.

    The cult of individualism. See also: Lol.

    12: Machismo and weapon fetishization.

    13: Selective populism.

    The silent majority. The educated voter. The landowners. The slave holders. The petite bourgeois.

    You fucking done with your denial yet?

    14: Newspeak. Fascism employs a deliberately limited vocabulary to stifle dissent.

    Go unalive yourself, you deliberately blinded ostrich.

    (Don’t actually, but maybe grow the fuck up and realize that times we fought monarchists and Nazis doesn’t change everything else)

  • I reached Challenger on Teamfight Tactics in a couple seasons and I’ve gotta say it honestly gets a bit tiresome how often they change the game. Mortdog and Co do a great job on balance but you just can’t swap from set to set that often and expect things not to break. Plus they like to nerf the things I like the most, and that’s inexcusable.

    I also didn’t really care for it as mobile game because you can’t hop in and out, you start a match you need to finish the match and they’re not short. Even the “quick” mode is like fifteen minutes long.

    In other words? Great desktop game for people that don’t mind the meta changing entirely every six months. Great “mobile” game if you want to kill no less than thirty minutes.

  • Would you say it might apply to an openly genocidal state conquering its neighbors?

    How about when that state also has up to 30% of its population by region in racial chattel slavery?

    How about when the genocide is done and the slavery ended but it still enforces apartheid politics?

    How about when it overthrows the government of any neighbor it disagrees with?

    Invades other countries and kills millions?

    But, hey. It’s not technically fascism as long it’s white men voting to do that, right? They usually weren’t even Italian! It’s stupid to call it fascism when it doesn’t come from Rome!