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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • You might want to look up Umberto Eco’s definition and I think it might be called something like “needs served by ur fascism”…

    …but basically it’s authoritarian indoctrination into the idea that all individuals are subordinate to the state, and in order for them to be seen as having value they must give themselves entirely to the state’s goals and ideals to the point of happily, willingly, unquestioningly, and mindlessly giving their lives for/to the state.

    It’s a kind of religious faith and fervor. It’s designed to replace and subordinate all other values and more often than not, places absolute power and faith in a single individual… And there’s often an irrational “cult of personality” around that individual. That person can “do no wrong” and is sometimes praised as a god or thought of as divine or having elements usually reserved for religion. They’re sometimes cast in the role of a father figure or God Emporer, and are always a “strong man leader”. Protection and veneration of them is the highest Aim in fascism (because everyone’s brainwashed by propaganda to believe he can do no wrong, and followers are sometimes scared to question or admit otherwise).

    Fascism is named after the Roman “fascia” which was a bundle of sticks (sometimes with a long axe handle in the middle), that was used to beat unruly crowds and protestors (this goes along with the “strong man dictator imagery”). The internal fascist perspective is that this represents the strength through binding of strict rules into a community that is stronger than the sum of its parts, so the individuals no longer matter, they must move as the collective community of fascist believers demand.

    So it’s a sort of radical authoritarian collectivism. It’s very much like a cult, but a cult that grips the whole of political society and the masses, it usually involves propaganda, and religious overtones, meaning the people giving up their rights, freedoms, bodies, and lives believe it’s in their best interests and may even get a substantial power trip from being the purveyors of popular violence in the name of their political religion. It usually involves political purges, and a complete conversion of society.

    Fascism always requires enemies, and victims, people to target, blame, and be violent to. This often starts out as being the political opposition, then might also include demographic or ethnic or religious types, and almost always gay and queer people. Anyone different or who doesn’t abide by the group’s convictions around uniformity.

    In Nazi Germany it was Gays, Jews, Subversives, and Criminals. In PolPot’s killing fields it was anyone who didn’t look Cambodian enough, or had any health defects, or disagreed or spoke out against the Khmer Rouge. In Hindu systems of Fascism it’s often Muslims.

    Each culture and nations fascism has different aspects, but they all have key characteristics, which is what Umberto Eco was trying to define.

    So that’s Fascism, named after some Roman shit, and usually has an angry “leather daddy” whose actually a loser at the top. It’s kinda pathetic and usually recruits people who don’t have a good sense of themselves and their own free will. People with low self-esteem who are angry and have grievances, who are upset at society or how it’s treated them, and who don’t question themselves or have a lot of empathy or self awareness of how others might be view things or be effected. Recruits are people who want to feel strong, but can’t for whatever reason. The group fascism makes them feel they’re being strong, and good, have a place in the world and brotherhood.

    The best way to avoid fascism is to have a society based on shared community, transparency, justice, and empathy where everyone gets a say, but certain individualist limits are respected (eg. Self-autonomy, intellectual and political freedoms ect…) - and by making fascist movements and elements illegal or difficult to get away with. Also see Karl Popper’s “The Paradox of Tolerance”, or Herbert Marcuse’s essay on “Repressive Tolerance” for more on this.

  • I dislike the establishment left, but 2016 was one of the most propagandized, misinformation filled, and corrupt elections - in no way can it be considered an “easy election”.

    Hindsight is 20/20… The electorate sees no where near that well, and didn’t at the time.

    The truth is fascism and pseudo or proto fascism is never an easy thing to defeat, because it breaks the rules and can appeal to forces and parts of human nature that most politicians won’t or can’t run with. This is why most fascists are praised as gifted speakers - even Trump - because they’re appealing to powerful parts of human nature which are usually not spoken about in politics, let alone addressed directly.

  • The liberal fear of these concepts and fear of showing these beliefs is part of why establishment liberals have become such bad orators and such weak and unconvincing political parties.

    These concepts have to be harnessed, that’s just the nature of drawing in the middle of politics.

    Politics is a luxury to focus on, there are huge swaths of work a day people who don’t and can’t focus on it. They need certain messages as short hand for doing the “right thing” - that’s just how politics is, not everyone can afford to live with the burden of political awareness, it’s not necessary healthy.

    You have to give the devil it’s dues, and do so willingly and happily. That’s just how political campaigns are under this system.

  • Trump reads these motown era lyrics written in 1968 about white people at all his rallies… But he says it’s a poem about immigrants. His rallies get very odd near the end, once the parts about Cultural Marxism and liberals destroying America are over, they ramp up this patriotic yet somber background music and he goes into this pre-written speil about how “they said no one can stop the border crisis, I alone was able to do so, when I built that beautiful wall…”

    Somewhere before that, often just whenever he notices the crowd feeling low, he reads “the poem” as he calls it.

    All his rallies are like this, it’s like a rock concert cult for geriatric lizard people. It’s very odd to watch, even just on YouTube the sense that it’s a weird ceremony or theatre comes through. It’s like something from a movie, or an alternative reality, but the crowd cheers every time:

    On her way to work one morning.
    Down the path 'longside the lake.
    A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake.
    His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
    “Oh well,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you”.

    She wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk.
    And laid him by thе fireside with some honеy and some milk.
    She hurried home from work that night, and soon as she arrived.
    She found that pretty snake she’d taken in had been revived.

    She clutched him to her bosom, “You’re so beautiful,” she cried.
    “But if I hadn’t brought you in, by now you might have died”.
    She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight.
    Instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite.

    “I saved you,” cried the woman. “And you’ve bitten me, but why?
    And you know your bite is poisonous and now I’m gonna die”.
    “Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin.
    “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in”.

  • DarkCloud@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldCapitalism
    3 days ago

    Hot take (not entirely serious):

    Now that Presidents can’t be prosecuted for official acts that are crimes, Biden should enact Project 2025 EARLY give himself unitary executive power, and refuse to leave office.

    This would either destroy the country, save the country, or force SCOTUS to reconsider their ruling.

    Of course he could just deem the imbalance on SCOTUS a threat to national security, and write an official law saying that all major parties must be equally repressented by the judges on there (a one out, one in law).

    That would also work, and run less risk of tearing the country apart.

  • The palm tree would seem to indicate the sand of the island is capable of filtering the salt water to some level …best use the turtle world to dog for fresh water.

    … possibly building a shade wall with the sand excavated. Then just pray for coconuts and fish…

    Actually maybe you can build a cove to lure and catch fish in.

    Nope nope, it’s a cartoon, I have to stop thinking about this.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, build a cove to lure fish into, then wall it off and dump sand in it until it’s dry… Fish caught.