

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We got a similar flyer. My area is a Labour safe seat, 70%+ for Labour last time, Tories barely scraping double digits and Lib Dems at 7% , yet the flyer claims Labour support is going down, and only the Lib Dems can stop them. I think the Labour bar was actually in the negative? I’ll see if it’s still floating around.

    Found it:

    Edit again: even the independent got more votes than the tory. Lib Dem got even less. Green took a lot of Labour votes to come second, probably because of Gaza.

  • Most of the big names in the flerf community are grifters, for sure. But many of the people who follow them are genuine believers. I have a relative who’s a die-hard flerfer.

    Sheeps and Neeps was a small time flerfer who literally died because his conspiracy theory beliefs about cancer treatment, and there was that guy who went up in a rocket and came down in pieces. So some of them really do believe it. In my relative’s case, he went through a lot of trauma, flerfers give him a sense of belonging and something to hold onto.