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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • If you go that route, and assuming you’re in the US, I’d recommend looking for a government civilian job rather than a contractor position. The pay will be slightly lower, but you’ll have pretty steady pay increases year-to-year, the benefits will almost certainly be better, and you’ll have better job security.

    The major downside will be that you’ll likely wind up working for/with a bunch of people who are just trying to keep their heads down and coast until retirement. A major upside will be that you’ll almost certainly be able to retire comfortably.

  • I would say the potential for misuse, while definitely present, is outweighed by the potential benefits.

    A creep watching you from their basement is less likely to act on their dangerous impulses.

    An overcrowded bar, poses a lot of risks in itself and the ability to determine how crowded the bar is without having to be physically present can mitigate your exposure to those risks.

    In a crowded bar you have a higher risk of being drugged or assaulted because security and staff will likely be distracted or simply unable to notice and intervene. Also, in the event of an emergency that requires you to be able exit quickly, such as a fire or earthquake not only will it be much more difficult to leave it’s also more likely that people will panic and exasperate the problem.

    Is a camera with a public live feed the best way to achieve that? No, probably not. But it’s simple, cheap, and gets the job done.

    A bar is also a public venue. In a public place you have absolutely no reasonable expectation of privacy. So, while in most circumstances it’s unreasonable to expect that you’re being recorded, it’s equally unreasonable to expect that you’re not.

  • Personally, I don’t like the idea of any recommendation or advertising algorithm using personal information of any kind. Though I can understand why location would be needed for advertising: in order to ensure ads for regional services are not shown outside of that region.

    The kinds of data that I think should be used:
    -Like history
    -Watch (or view) history - specifically (and only) if I click on a post or watch more than some reasonable percentage of a video that would indicate I watched the entirety of the video.

    -Location (based solely on IP)
    -The content currently being viewed, based on a general categorization of the content. If I’m watching a video about technology I don’t need to be seeing ads for financial services.