• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Jack Saint (YouTuber) did a take down vid on Shad that revealed his real nature to me. I also had previously enjoyed his historical content.

    The thing is, as another poster pointed out, once people started looking, he’s actually not historically accurate either and is barely more knowledgeable about it than your friend in the SCA who won’t shut up about long swords and katanas.

    It’s a pattern with bigots: you can’t trust their information or expertise on anything. Because either they aren’t willing to update their views with facts, or they’re willing to lie to cover up facts they do know but dislike. Neither are good qualities in any person, but especially not in historians and educators.

  • Crime goes down, means 📉

    Less prisoners, means 🕊

    Less prison profits, means 💸😱

    New crimes are invented 👮‍♂️

    And ain’t it great how prisons are paid per prisoner by the state and also get to do some slave labor, as a treat. But when the profits are low, just complain to the state that you need to be paid more and have more prisoners, it’s free money from your good friends on the senate.

  • It may be pretentious and impenetrable but that doesn’t make it bad. There are puns you have to know multiple languages to get, densly layered references, unusual structures and fun wordplay abounds. The word quark came from FW. It’s challenging, but fun to read because it’s challenging.

    I’m not saying git gud, no one should have to read FW. It’s kind of uniquely just a joy to read for the sake of enjoying the sounds of words and how they play together. Reading it for the plot or the characters is kind of missing the point, I think.

    That’s the whole problem with the AI summarizer: it requires you to believe that the only reason to write anything is to communicate some simplistic idea: a command, a moral, or an instruction. But writing isn’t just to convey a plot or moral lesson in the least, smallest words possible. Writing is poems and songs, plots and novels, screenplays and anecdotes, slogans and slogs. Writing can just be fun for the sake of words and doesn’t have to always convey some easily summarized or quantified concept.

  • A friend was just telling me about these Tiktok dance cults where they house young people and pay them to do dance videos all day. They’re young, get to do what they want, live in a big house, and get paid well… today. You know, ask young gymnists and other sports figures how the retirement plan for young physcal performers is after your handlers have sucked every bit of money out of you there is.

    But how could you tell these kids otherwise? It’s not like sex workers (or any workers really) have infinite choices. You take what pay you can get sometimes to do what work there is. And when that work is hyper-exploitative but still better than any other offer around, what are you supposed to do? It’s be exploited and have your personality stolen to sell to other sex-starved, alienated proletarians; or starve. What a choice.

  • If we’re trending technical in our etymological taxonomies, then the X-words are all slurs because they insult people for belonging to specific groups. As you say, profanities and blasphemies need to address the sacred in some disrespectful way. I believe that leaves… curse words and expletives as the remaining categories of naughty words. Any others? I suppose vulgarity and obscenity, but those feel like subtypes of expletives to me.