Oh! That’s nice. I have a question. Why Rust above all the other languages for web-related stuff?
Again, I do not have any opinion on this, all I know is Python so 💀
I have a project idea so you may convince me to try to code it in Rust 😅
Oh! That’s nice. I have a question. Why Rust above all the other languages for web-related stuff?
Again, I do not have any opinion on this, all I know is Python so 💀
I have a project idea so you may convince me to try to code it in Rust 😅
Polyamourous relations are a thing. If your daugther is okay with it and happy, that’s all what matters.
Why is it a big deal ? Many guys have relations with multiple women at the same time but just hide it. I’d rather live in a relation where the exclusivity/polyamourous thing is discussed before. This can’t be a good judgement criteria, since if he was a cheater, your husband would see a loyal, monogamous boy and would appreciate him more but, in secret, the daughter’s boyfriend would be a complete bastard. 🤷
Destroying public services.
Just tried free version of Pycharm and definitely going to pay for it.
Do you know if there is an API to get Worlds data ? Or do they update all of these by hands ? 🤔
In 3 days, when you got it installed right.
My bet is MDK, PSG, GAM and 100T advance to next stage.
I have to say I haven’t seen or play LoL for a while now.
Never Gonna Give You Up just so it breaks the Internet.
My top 5 is :
Mr. Robot
Breaking Bad
The Good Place
Stranger Things
“Waow what the f-!”
*kills it* “- Sorry, you were saying?”
Still can’t figure why they didn’t kill it when they had opportunity. 😬
I wish I could stop. I bannished a lot of words from my language because they are insults which come from oppressive language sucheas words to insult sex workers or homosexuals. Of course, most of people don’t use them with homophobic motives but the fact that they are insults is really bad imo.
2 players : Hellton Palace 3-5 players : Oriflamme
Switched to PipePipe because Tubular is not updated as quickly as Tubular, the dev said it’s not on the top of their list. Also PipePipe has some more features such as playing the video faster while you leaveea finger on the screen.
Oliech. Belgian streamer who plays the Battleground mode of Hearthstone. I don’t play that game but I watch his videos on Youtube and whenever I do, I fell asleep and usually sleep well.
Otherwise, silence.
I remember first piss after removal, I suffered so much during removal, nothing would’ve been worse to me. It felt really bad to piss but I was like “hey, in comparison, it is not that terrible” 😂
I had a JJ stent removed without anesthesia. I have a penis so they enter this way to get it out.
I thought the pain of the kidney stones, which were the reason I had a JJ sten, twere the most painful thing I could have in my life. Turns out I was wrong.
Remember to drink, really.
Aujourd’hui, c’était mes deux ans avec ma copine, elle m’a offert un sweatshirt à l’effigie de mon hochet, Couleur.
Aussi, j’ai écrit un article pour lister les applications FOSS que j’utilise : https://garden.plaws.fr/whats-in-my-phone
Oui je parlais des forums pirates.
Je sais bien pour le 18-25, adolescent-e je trainais de temps en temps sur le 15-18. Et même que ça me faisait parfois rire. Qu’est-ce que c’était cringe en fait :hap:
C’est quoi des “tipiaks” ? Je ne connais pas mobilism donc je n’ai pas pu déduire. C’est pour dire “pirates” ? x)
My three essential selfhosted services are :