Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on Kbin.social. May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin’s development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • The thing is, this story you mention isn’t a situation of trans health care; this is a situation of actual child abuse. The parents literally forced a gender identity onto their child who seems to have otherwise been cisgender. It’s not all that different from what conservative parents will often do with their actual trans children.

    If anything, this story shows the harms that come by denying gender-affirming care to children. That child was not a girl, and denying him of his identity caused irreparable damage. All because the parents were too scared to tell their child that the doctor fucked up the circumcision.

  • I put about 6 hours into it, and it largely feels pretty shallow. I don’t know if the gear you get later in the game significantly changes the gameplay too much, but the basic combat loop is pretty simplistic. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of variety in your abilities, as each character you can play as seems pretty locked-down. Right now it feels like 99% of the player base is using a single character, Bunny, so you and all your teammates are basically just doing the exact same things all the time.

    The PS5 version has some pretty bad performance issues. Certain areas just drop the game down to 30 FPS as soon as you cross an invisible boundary. Some player/enemy animations start rendering at lower framerates when there’s a lot of things on the screen. The “fidelity” mode is basically unplayable, and enabling ray tracing is literally unplayable; I’m not sure why those options are even available on the PS5 version in the first place, to be honest.

    The plot is kinda weak and generic. Half the time I spent playing was listening to characters exposition-dump on me, and I still have no idea what’s supposed to be going on or why I’m doing what I’m doing. The game does little to compel you, as a player, to actually care about the plot.

    The monetization doesn’t seem too out of control. I’ve not looked too deeply through the shop, but it looks like it’s mostly cosmetics. I didn’t see anything that screams “pay to win”, and at no point did the game purposely direct my attention to the shop; I had to find it on my own, which is actually great because I hate when games stop you to force you to look through the shop as part of the tutorial.

    If the gameplay gets more engaging or exciting in the endgame, that’d be great, but so far it really doesn’t look like it. I want to like it, so I’m probably gonna keep playing throughout the week and see how it goes as I progress further. But right now, I’m at least just glad it’s free.

  • SCOTUS ruled that the president has immunity for many of his presidential actions and none for personal actions such as going on a murder streak

    Right, that’s literally the point. All a malfeasant president would need to do is declare that assassinating political rivals is an official presidential action. If the president argues that it’s an official act of their office and not of their own personhood, there’s little room to hold them accountable for it.

    It may seem like an absolutely ridiculous argument, and that’s because it is. What constitutes an “official” presidential action was left intentionally un-defined by the court, so that such ridiculous arguments could be treated as legitimate if the immunity is challenged.

  • Kuhbander’s mom, Jane, posted on social media days after her son was last seen. She claimed that Kuhbander was ‘coerced’ by Anderson and that she was a danger to herself. She also claimed that Kuhbander did not go with her willingly.

    Family had said the two were romantically involved but had broken up before they went missing.

    For as few details as this article has, they certainly do let you paint a pretty disturbing picture of what happened.

  • A lot of it is going to be game-specific, and spending time tweaking the control settings until you find what feels responsive to you.

    The rest of it is going to be technique, and a lot of trial and error to find out what works best for your play style. For instance, I can’t do fast-paced, twitchy movements on a controller (even things that are technically possible to do on a controller; I just don’t have the dexterity anymore), so I have to adopt a different play style when using a controller. I usually will go for a more support-based role, if possible; opting for long-range weapons/abilities, and playing a more patient, campy game. I play slower and more methodically this way, and try to position myself so that I don’t ever get into the situations where I need to react to somebody closing the gap on me in the first place.

    For me, it’s an entire mindset shift. If I play the same game on M/K, I’ll be playing with a much faster, reaction-centric style instead of one where my movements are more premeditated.

    Some other tips will be learning to do things like using your left stick for fine-tuning your aim (you can get very precise horizontal micro-adjustments by leveraging your player’s position, which can be useful for getting your shot off before the other guy does), experimenting with gyro controls if that’s an option for you, or trying joystick extenders (small gadgets that clip onto your sticks to extend their effective length, which may make aiming easier).

    As far as what to practice in, I don’t know of any aim trainers that are designed for controller, so I’d say you should just practice with a game that you either don’t care about or where it doesn’t matter if you lose a bunch. I’d recommend The Finals; it’s free to play, the default quickplay mode is active and puts you into a match quickly, and it’s super low-stakes so you don’t have to feel bad about experimenting during a live match. Your teammates don’t have loot drops or anything hinging on your success, so if you play badly, nobody cares. And it’s got pretty robust customization options for the controller settings (dead zones, acceleration curves, etc), which can help you figure out what settings you respond best to and what to look out for in the settings of other games. It has a huge variety in movement/weapon options, so you’ll end up developing skills/habits that will transfer over to other games quite easily.

    I didn’t mean to weirdly steer this into becoming an ad for The Finals. But it’s a very controller-friendly FPS that I think will be beneficial to practice with. I think it’s also pretty fun, but that’s subjective.