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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


    • Please read with a very thick German accent

    Well … you see, we would like to help, but there are just more important things in this budget.

    Like the ~900m financial aid to India. (A country with a quite successful space program, and currently a part of Russia’s Oil laundering machine.)

    Or like the ~600m financial aid to the PRC. (A country with a far superior space program than ours, and a weapons supplier to Russia.)

    Oh and don’t forget the measly but oh so important 24m financial aid for bicycle paths in Peru.

    So you see, there is simply nothing we can do, ukraine is just not important enough ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    • Figures taken from memory and also from past budgets, so please enjoy with a grain a lot of salt

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