Please let everyone who lost a person to this, spit in his face or punch it.
Please let everyone who lost a person to this, spit in his face or punch it.
Most of us actually can read english quite well… it’s usually the US guys knowing only 2/3 of one language. But yeah, lots of foreign tv shows get ruined by german dubs.
man made habitat distractions seems very ironic in his case. But I guess we only got the crocodile jumping parts over here. They actually made me hate this guy… Nice to hear, that he wasnt just a guy doing everything for some views.
Maybe this message got tainted a little by the fact, that he wasnt able to respect the animals. Whatever, may just be different cultures. Here we show love to nature by silently watching the animals, and to try not to interrupt them to much, but that doesn’t make for a exciting tv-show.
I will gladly take the additional unt, because I probably deserve it! Have a nice day. :)
What did he teach? How to jump on any crocodile? How to annoy every animal? This guy was laughed at in Germany, I still wonder what makes him a hero in the US.
Und auch das Verschmutzen der Atemluft durch Axe-Werbeopfer. Die selben Leute die digge Karren brauchen dieseln sich ein ohne Sinn und Verstand.
He could also shoot himself in the head. The surprising part? He’s still there. Maybe not much alive, but still there.
It doesn’t need to, but it is… It’s fine to have ideas, but let’s keep them SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, REALISTIC, terminated.
Nuclear lobby really tries to sell us to the fact, that it’s better to have control over power by a few big players. Must be terrifying to think about people creating their own power eventually.
Das Geld wird einfach immer mehr, derzeit sitzen sie auf über 92 Millionen und benötigen keine Spenden:
Wikimedia ist ein Parasit, der Geld einsammelt das die Leute die Wiki pflegen nie bekommen. Das ist wie Geld an eine Kirche zu spenden in der alle ehrenamtlich arbeiten. Ganz sicher wird sich aber natürlich trotzdem jemand freuen wenn du es tust, nur halt eben nicht die die du eigentlich unterstützen willst.
!WICHTIG! Bevor man wegen irgendwas zum Psychiater geht: Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung abschließen!
Sollte man z.B wegen Depressionen in Behandlung gewesen sein, ist es praktisch unmöglich noch eine abzuschließen.
Mit 18 denkt man an sowas gar nicht, es kann einem aber später den Arsch retten.
Going into survival mode forever, where either party can do whatever the frick they want, because they others mustn’t win! Nice system you got there, where it’s like 50\50 every time!
They present you a Trump and therefore they can even kill your kids, as long as Trump doesn’t win. It’s a scam… both parties are in it. But they divided you all so perfectly fine, you stopped thinking a long time ago.
Looking forward to your comments, telling me about NO BOth SIdeS!