
Crying frog hiding his face


>first time in gym

>my very first exercise is bench

>next to me are some zoomers and wiggers

>they snicker and say to themselves “This due looks like he sits behind computer 24/7”

>About to cry

>make up some bullshit like im thirsty and go to toilets so I can pack and leave

>Some dude stops me and say if he can use bench

>It’s motherfucking Chad just like from the memes

>say yea

>Asks if I will spot him


>We start to talk he noticed im first timer in the gym

>He teaches me lifts we talk for hour and for this whole hour it feels like im safe and protected

>Mfw this chad says “see you tomorrow okay ? I have leg day and i will teach you deadlifts”

Is this how chads are ? Is this how it feels to die for king? It felt like dram but it was al real.

My king

My liege


  • RepulsiveDog4415@feddit.de
    10 months ago

    You’re right, maybe i came of more standoffish and condescending than intended. Forgive me, I’ll try to be a bit more constructive.

    Yes. That’s the norm. That’s been the norm.

    The norm for whom? Yes some super extroverted people might do that, but you are you that type of person?

    How the fuck else are you supposed to meet people?

    The same circle of friends, volunteering in non profits, hobbies or common interests would be my recommendation. Or do it like anon and start a sport. Basically touching gras, as i said :P Some of my friends tried dating apps, but I’m assuming they are even more superficial than walking up to good looking strangers (haven’t tried them myself). Wouldn’t recommend work…

    thinking anyone that approaches you is just a creep only deters people who aren’t creeps.

    Please put yourself in their position. It’s really sad how common assholes and creeps are. There is a reason for selfdefense courses for women… Yeah you might not be a creep, but 9/10 are, so how could they tell.

    don’t really have anything in common with most actual incels

    The one thing you seemed to have in common was your lack of empathy for women. I have colleague who is getting stalked and you can really see how scared she is and how it warps her whole way of thinking… This was why i got so annoyed and condescending.

    this whole conversation is pointless.

    Only if argument for arguments sake is pointless to you. If it wasn’t already clear, i love arguing over nonsense. I’ll fight anyone who doesn’t like pineapple on pizza (: