SEO has essentially destroyed search engines, what are some very useful websites that you might not get given by Google? This website has very thorough information about BIOS, MBR and other topics from DOS era.
Bonus points is you can host yourself with docker. It has a bunch of handy tools for computer related projects.
If you have to write Objective-C for some unfortunate reason -
If you have to write Objective-C for some unfortunate reason and your IT infrastructure doesn’t like fun -
This To That tells you what type of adhesive to use to glue different materials together. It’s handy for Halloween when suddenly you need to figure out how to attach vinyl to styrofoam or something (hot glue)
Taking a chemistry class? is the best Periodic Table site by far, packed with info and ways to visualize the relationships between elements.
Interested in what class doesn’t teach you about the elements? Theodore Gray’s Wooden Periodic Table Table website has a ton of very high resolution shots of the best samples you’ll find, along with detailed backstory on where each one came from or how it was used.
Want to know something about published science fiction or fantasy? Forget Goodreads or Wikipedia bibliographies, the ISFDB has ridiculously comprehensive details about every book, author or magazine I’ve looked up.
Google will give you ISFDB results if you search for an author or title plus “isfdb” but it’s not nearly as high in the rankings as it should be.
Idk how obscure it is but Paul’s Online Math Notes are the best math guide I’ve ever had. It got me through an engineering degree
An email service that uses addresses like to organize all your email into a folder for every app/service.
You can also make these addresses screen senders before their email goes through, for something like
You can mark them as public and they’ll be included in a list if someone emails the bare address (, so you can share your bare address all over the internet without getting spam.
(Full disclosure: I created and operate this service.)
So, you can do this with gmail already. What’s your pitch on why someone should use Port87 instead of Gmail (besides the obvious Google is evil, etc.)?
It’s not Google. I’m sold.
When I watch movies or TV shows, I constantly wonder how old an actor or actress is during the filming of it:
3d models of the human body, I use this a lot to troubleshoot which muscle I’m having tension/tightness in: isn’t all that useful, but insanely cool. Allows you to fly around maps of n64, GameCube and Wii games in 3d, rendered in your browser
If you need a bed or bedding, collects and distills online reviews from everywhere about it.
If you need earbuds, does similar.
to keep up to date on zoomer slang: Bruh.News
Microwave Watt?? Converts cooking instructions to whatever your actual microwave is (mine’s a shitty 700w beast so I have to add about 50% cooking time to most things). has a ton of awesome tips on how to navigate technology these days without becoming a walking data point for everything you have contact with.