• derf82@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I think corporations learned some very dangerous lessons from the pandemic.

    1. The demand for essential goods is inelastic. They can charge whatever and people still have to but things, especially food, household products, and a place to live.

    2. They can understaff and underpay employees, and people will choose to fault people for laziness rather than the deliberate corporate choices that lead to the situation.

    3. Corporations have built such a large market share so as to have created giant barriers to entry that there is zero competition from new businesses.

    4. Even larger competitor corporations are happy to wink and nod as you both raise prices, cut staff, and give paltry raises because it just means you both make more money, and so long as you don’t say it out loud, it isn’t collusion.

    • hark@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      They already knew these things, they just needed an excuse to not cause too much of an uproar. Egg prices went up by way too much too quickly that even the government, who rarely actually does anything about this sort of thing, started an investigation. Magically the prices dropped by a lot, but unfortunately still higher than it used to be.

  • darthfabulous42069@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    So I propose a solution:

    We start and fund a non-profit organization designed to produce basic living essentials and sell it at the cost to manufacture, regardless of market pressures. Then we all collectively buy from this non-profit and have a functional means of production legally owned and controlled by the people.

    Set up strict rules to ban anyone who has ever worked in any upper management position in any for-profit basic essentials producing company from ever holding any position of power in the non-profit. No one from the corporate world at all. No one from any position in state or federal government. No lobbyists or consultants or members of their think tanks or any of their goons.

    Use open source designs for the factories and everyone in the community works together to automate them as much as is possible.