Not even that. All your state’s comptroller1 has to do is discharge debts made to the state, by writing “discharged with prejudice” with red pen on the DOT contractor bills. But this only works on pink collection notices, not normal paperwork. State stays out of debt and the roads stay paved.
It’s the government. It can just print more money.
And that has no influence on the price of goods, which is strictly decided by the buyer and seller. Or so I read today.
Not even that. All your state’s comptroller1 has to do is discharge debts made to the state, by writing “discharged with prejudice” with red pen on the DOT contractor bills. But this only works on pink collection notices, not normal paperwork. State stays out of debt and the roads stay paved.
1 Yep, that’s a real word.
And end up like Germany after WW1 where bills were cheaper than firewood?