• Blank@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Believe it or not, we’re not all despondent nihilists, hell bent on self fulfilling prophecies of negligent apocalypse incapable of empathy and compassion for those who still gently carry that same flame that brought us all here, not yet lulled like so many into a dark shroud of self doubt and loathing by gluttonous corporations who grow fat on the grief and despair of those who are content to take what is given and slip through life soundless and meak, refusing to create change, however individual, however small, so sure that three hundred thousand years of humanity is unquestionably doomed to the darkness you choose to wallow in.

    Some of us want to fight and we love our kids (and yours) and this world, and yes, we even love you nihilists, and we’ll fight for you too.