I wanted to learn more so i went looking for an article. Heres a pretty good write up. https://www.sciencealert.com/flowers-are-spreading-in-antarctica-as-summer-temperatures-soar
TLDR: Lots of flowering plants, moss and algae spreading. In March, temperatures near the south pole reached 39 °C above normal for three days in a row, hitting a peak of -10 °C (14 °F). Warm enough for researchers to walk around in shorts and shirtless…In Antarctica. Yeah were fucked.
Damn researchers walking around in shirts at -10°C??
so what are you fellas gonna do after the water wars?
After? Probably still be corpsing. I just hope I can take some rich fucks with me before I go.
After??? Are you all planning on surviving the after wars? I’ll probably be taken out by a rusty nail after medical breaks down.
I’d be dead pretty quick without insulin assuming adhd doesn’t kill me first
Right? My RA won’t kill me without meds, but I’ll wish it would. Now my regular infections and allergic reaction on the other hand…
My migraine won’t kill me either, but being completely knocked out every five or so days isn’t going to do me much good either.