Since this community is new I wanted to spark some discussion.

I’ve been a fan for years and used to frequent forums for the series back in the day. I learned about Metroid from a friend back when I was in elementary school (probably around 2004-2006 I honestly can’t remember). I played Fusion and eventually Zero Mission on my GBA.

When I was in middle school I learned about Super Metroid ROM Hacks and watched tons of let’s plays of them back then. Eventually I got Super Metroid myself on Wii VC and got to play a bit myself.

After that I didn’t branch out too much. I only really played Prime 1 and did play AM2R when that released. I still enjoy coming back to the series though.

What’s your experience?

    1 year ago

    I had never owned a Nintendo console and the only Nintendo games I played somewhat regularly at my friend’s house were Wii sports and Mario kart Wii. So my Nintendo journey only began in 2020 when I decided to try ocarina of time because I had seen it placed really high in a few “greatest games of all time” lists. I got hooked and eventually ended up buying a switch and playing a bunch of zelda and super Mario games. I also bought a new 2DS XL for my girlfriend at the time because she had some nostalgic memories of the DS, and that is where I ended up playing Metroid: Samus returns and had a blast. I subsequently played through zero mission and fusion, and then super metroid, but samus returns remained my favourite purely because it plays so smoothly. So it goes without saying that I fucking loved dread when it came out. And finally with the release of prime remastered I also played through that and was mindblown by how well metroid works as a 3d fps. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy 2 quite as much, and I stopped playing 3 after a few hours because it felt too linear.