The Subreddit WellThatSucks has changed their rules so it’s now only accepting vaccume cleaners
Really hoping amitheasshole becomes a place where people post a picture of assholes and you have to decide if that is a picture of their asshole or someone else’s asshole.
Or just has photos of spez.
I wonder if /r/onlyfans will swap their content also.
r/nofans a nsfw sub for girls without an onlyfan’s page to post has become about liquid cooling motherboards.
And /r/superbowl.
wait wait wait…would it be only super bowls or superb owls?
While this is funny, I think this will actually increase traffic to the Reddit, hence increase ad revenue?
Unless they put a link to go somewhere else for the content users are actually looking for to redirect traffic, I don’t think this will do a whole lot.
Yeah I like the idea of sidestepping the mod dethronings by reddit, but I’ve seen in practice it just makes the subs more popular until the idea looses steam. People want to be a part of the meme and it makes the subs busy as hell, not really wreck them. It’s malicious compliance that still gives users reasons to engage with Reddit and even log on to check stuff.
But the meme gets old quick and then the interaction will reduce. Also for the daily dose of internet people that don’t post on the subs, it sucks for their feed to just be full of this stuff.