• TeaHands@lemmy.world
    7 months ago
    • £80 would pay for a Steam page for my little indie game thus fulfilling a lifelong dream
    • £200 would pay for Christmas which is always a big money stress
    • £500 would let me get some much needed dentistry done and remove that worry
    • £1000 would give me a decent emergency fund to reduce stress in general
    • £10,000 would be the point where I could feel more independent, maybe even get a car
    • £100,000 would let us move somewhere that isn’t totally isolated from civilization
      • TeaHands@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        It’s really not very exciting, it’s just a minimalist little city builder thing. More of a “prove I can make and release a game” type project than anything that’s gonna make me famous! Learning Godot engine at the same time which has been half fun, half frustrating as hell :D

        (recently started a devlog channel so if you really are interested, this is me, but there’s not much there yet)