You’ve not made any points. You have just stated for my knowledge to insufficient. Do you expect me to counter that? That is simply a waste of effort if you don’t even try to put forth arguments.
“Your inability to see past propaganda and to Folter out unnecessary supposed history and cultural peculiarities is the reason you’re completely lulled in by Russian propaganda”.
You’ve not made any points. You have just stated for my knowledge to insufficient. Do you expect me to counter that? That is simply a waste of effort if you don’t even try to put forth arguments.
“Your inability to see past propaganda and to Folter out unnecessary supposed history and cultural peculiarities is the reason you’re completely lulled in by Russian propaganda”.
There, now I’ve done the same, respond then
Would you rather discuss the weather?
Q.e.d. you’re not discussing anyway so what’s the point
Words words words