Ok, I hereby propose the following ruleset for this thread: [mostly stolen from @No_Change_Just_Money ]

Nomic Hangman

Rule 0: a user may propose a new rule or a change to an existing rule in a comment to this post. If the difference of up and down votes is greater than 1 after 24h the rule will be added to the ruleset. The new ruleset and the numbers of upvotes and downvotes will be posted as an answer to the comment proposing the new rule or the change.

Rule 1: A user may post a number of blanks [_] each representing a letter from a word.

Rule 2: any other user may comment a Letter they think is in the word as an awnser to the post containing the blanks. If the difference of up and down votes is positive after 24h the letter is submitted.

Rule 3 if a submitted letter is in the word the first user will edit their post and exchange any blanks corresponding with this letter to this letter.

Rule 4 if a submitted letter is not in the word the original user will add one to a fail score.

Rule 5 if the fail score reaches 10 the game is lost. If all blanks are filled the game is won.