• John Richard@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    You really do take everything out of context for your own agenda don’t you? I didn’t conflate the people on Jan 6 to BLM. My only point was do you want all people in an area or vicinity getting charged with the same thing that a select few of a group may only be guilty of. Do you not agree that for each defendant in a case, that evidence needs to be presented to show specifically what crimes they were trying to commit… or, do you think that if people are in an area where a few protesters throw a molotov cocktail that everyone else even when they were never there with the intention of starting a fire should all be charged with the same crime? You can twist my words all you want, and I’m sure you’d love to have mod or are reporting this to mods cause heck people like you definitely don’t like it when people point out their inconsistencies and call them out for actually being the propaganda while making claims about people like me.

    You say these people are my “favorite people” but you have no evidence, and I can assure you they aren’t, but you really don’t care. It is all about the false narrative you wish to push. It sounds to me like you don’t care how Sicknick actually died, but that you’ll gladly use his death in whatever narrative is most convenient for you.