Bonus points for any books you believe are classics from that time period. Any language, but only fiction please.

I’m really excited to see what Lemmy has.

    6 months ago

    My nominations will be limited in scope to fantasy and sci-fi, but there are a few stand outs. Now, on to my nominations.

    There are so many amazing authors in our era, but I’ll stick to a few only.

    1. Brandon Sanderson - he writes like a machine, churning out books in-between other books. He’s unstoppable. I haven’t enjoyed his latest stuff, but his early stuff is outstanding high fantasy. Way of Kings blew my mind when I read it, and Mistborn was so original and awesome.

    2. Joe Ambercrombie - The Blade Itself is a wonderful book, as are all the follow-up novels

    3. Dan Simmons - The Hyperion Cantos is the most complex, outstanding, high-minded, thought provoking science fiction I’ve ever read.

    4. N. K. Jemisin - The Fifth Season and it’s sequels are some of the most unique ideas I’ve ever read. It’s incomparable to anything else. It stands alone in creativity.

    Honorable mentions: William Gibson, Dennis E. Taylor,