Double Decker system, lower deck for road vehicles, upper deck for trains. Still a ton of work to do, but I really enjoy the result so far. I only have the one screenshot now, and some progress pics while I worked on the blueprints (not the finalized design), but I’m on mobile, maybe I’ll share some more later.
Edit: Adding linked screenshots! These are all on my test configuration while working in the blueprinter.
The bends were easy. I did both left and right directions a single deck, one tighter turn, one wider turn. Then stacked those prints for the second deck. The hard part was getting everything EXCEPT the foundations to line up and be coherent. I’ll add homebrew light posts from blueprints to slopes and turns after placement.
It will be more of a struggle when I start figuring junctions and merges/splits into the design, having to make one item, like a t-junction, between two different prints. Even the 6x6 blueprinter may not be enough. All of my current prints were done in the 5x5.