• EfreetSK@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Sigh … can you people tell me what is your “idea of life”? Like what do you think a persons’ life should look like?

    I mean for a moment lets imagine that you’re the only one on earth, everyone just disapeared. Your life will be pretty hard do you realize that? It’ll be a constant survival, gathering food, clean water, being warm, preparing for weather catastrophes, animal attacks, insects, diseases, etc. You’ll be constantly on edge whether you survive to the next day, week, year. The reason you don’t have to deal with shit like that is that we have sort of functioning society where everyone takes a part, everyone specializes at something and together we achieve more and make your life super easy.

    So with this in mind, back to the original question - how do you imagine your existence? Sitting down on your ass? Travel? How? Having a family? How do you feed them? Do you want them to be in constant survival mode?

    Or if you like this then go. Really. Go to the woods and enjoy your life.

    Or is this somehow supposed to be criticism of 9-5 office job for some billionaire? If yes then this is laughably shallow view of jobs and a society as a whole. Whith shit like this you literally shit on eneryone who does our society a better place.

    • BarrelAgedBoredom@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Humans are social creatures and people of all strokes in the anti work movement wish to return to a less structured, communal version of labor and survival. Starting on the premise of “you’re the last person in earth” is a non-starter. It’s coming from the perspective of this toxic individualism that denies people’s innate desire for community and connection to others.

      I’m generalizing and opinions vary widely but I think this would be a fair summary. Most want to decouple labor from survival. It is inherently coercive to be denied food and shelter on the basis of being unwilling/unable to work. Most want to divide essential labor (farming, housing, transportation, sanitation, etc.) as evenly as possible among a given population to ensure everyone is fed, sheltered and healthy. I’d type more but I’m at work and don’t have the time to go into further detail.

      Here’s more of the “why”. As for how, I don’t have a handy resource right this second but I’d be happy to talk more when I can. For further reading I’d recommend that you look into degrowth, solar punk, anti-work, anarchism/ libertarian socialism, mutual aid, UBI, and social ecology. They’re all pieces of the puzzle