Short version: Drew, their employee with the most public facing role and known to be a chill guy and left-leaning, left the company with some celebration but zero explanation. This got folks looking, and they saw that the Goulets are heavily involved with planting (think “franchising” or may more accurately “metastasizing”) a new church that was growing out from a larger one that has all the usual disgusting anti-LGBT+ rhetoric, and the new church has a mission statement that includes bible literalism and explicitly places men above women in home life and church roles. Also, Reddit being Reddit, the mods handled it all very clumsily and in a way that makes it look they’ve traded their integrity for a couple of pens.
This is disappointing information to me who just spent money on inks and pens from Goulet Pens that I was going to post about this week. I’ll still post about the inks and pens because the ink and pen manufacturers are not the disappointment here.
Speaking as
__ an internet janitor __a moderator of this community, I want to remind people that there’s nothing wrong with being passionate about the issues you value highly and being motivated to take your business elsewhere as a result. But I’ve been on the internet for a while and seen people have extreme responses going as far as harassment and attempted violence against anyone who they perceive as not as committed to their values as themselves. Please don’t be that person.