• andrewta@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    These advantage plans are going to screw a lot of people over in a few years.

    If you are not on an advantage plan, they will let you switch to an advantage plan no problem. But if you want to go back from the advantage, plan to a regular (non-advantage) plan. Then you have to get medical checks.

    Here’s the problem, the advantage plans are cheaper on the monthly premium. But you wind up with all these co-pays and everything else in it. So there’s more out-of-pocket cost. So advantage plan works for somebody who doesn’t go to the hospital or doesn’t get sick very often.

    You get older what happens? You get sick more often go to the hospital more often. So think about what’s gonna happen there.? You get older, now you need to get off the advantage plan because the co-pays and everything is adding up so much for you. The problem is now you have to go to the doctor and get medical checks to find out if you can go on that other plan. And they won’t let you switch.

    Effectively what is happening is that they are pushing people into the advantage plans, knowing that there will be more out-of-pocket expenses for the elderly. In the long run, the government and the insurance companies will see less out-of-pocket. And the elderly are going to get screwed.

    My advice to anybody is stay off the advantage plans just Don’t do them.

    Yeah, Up front it might cost a little bit more for the premiums. But in the long run once you start having to go to those doctors and those specialists, it’s gonna cost you way less.

    I have an aunt , she is on an advantage plan because she says the premiums are so much cheaper. And she says everybody should switch to them because they’re cheaper. I feel sorry for her for the day when she starts having to go to the doctor and she starts seeing all these bills coming into her house saying she Has to pay them.

    Yeah, maybe that day never comes up. Maybe she’s better off on the advantage plan over the course of her life. I cannot see the future. I can tell you though that’s not a gamble I would be making. I say spend a little bit more in the premiums, stay off the advantage plans at least you will have decent coverage when you get older when you need to go to the doctor.

    • InverseParallax@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      Wait just a second there!

      Are you trying to tell me that boomers greed and inability to take personal responsibility might result in their impoverished deaths?

      After they’ve finally put themselves out of our misery we can reform Healthcare with a public option, which will put basically every other form of insurance out of business by the end of the week.

    • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
      1 day ago

      When it comes down to it its going to depend on if the person can meet the medicare plus medigap monthly nut. Its nuts medicare does not have a maximum out of packet on its own. Something I believe obamacare does not allow any other insurance to do.

        • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
          1 day ago

          In general the generartion did not use their political power wisely but many good individuals will suffer. As will the ensuing generations if and until it gets fixed.

          • InverseParallax@lemmy.world
            1 day ago

            Yes, but once they’re dead the rest of the world can improve themselves dramatically.

            They screamed loudly about hating socialized medicine, they claimed it was the ultimate evil while enjoying their own medicare:

            • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
              24 hours ago

              unfortunately I have seen members of my own generation act the same way. If things are going right for them its all other people just aren’t wroking hard enough or something and if things go bad its suddenly why doesn’t our society help folks like me. its crazy but it won’t end with the boomers.

              • Flocklesscrow@lemm.ee
                22 hours ago

                People have been underestimating the scale of Boomers for decades. As a cohort, they have had an outsized gravity on…EVERYTHING.

                So it’s not just their innately selfish decision-making (although that is well documented going back decades), but moreso that there are simply so damned many of them, bumbling around and shit-Midas-ing everything they touch. It’s been impossible, until Millennials, to even push back. And yet here we are, 20 years after OG Millennials became adults, and we are still despairing under the pure dead-weight of overpopulated and obstinate Boomers.