On Jan. 6, 2021, an angry mob of Donald Trump supporters swarmed a CBC News crew working near Capitol Hill. Nearly four years later, reporter Katie Nicholson tracked down one of the people who surrounded her that day to find out what she’s thinking heading into another volatile U.S. presidential election.

Was worth the watch for the emotional contortions the supporter twists herself into when confronted by one of the people she threatened, her Democrat-voting husband dealing with it all, and that messed up Trump paraphernalia store.

  • Linktank@lemmy.today
    3 hours ago

    These people are beyond help, beyond seeing the light and becoming normal humans again.

    They look out at the world, the mass of other humans, and they say “You aren’t human because I haven’t given you that right.” I’m ready for the rest of the world to collectively say “No, you.” to these dumbfucks.

    I don’t need more insight into who they are, they’ve told us. There’s no more need for further understanding. They’d burn it all down to be in charge of the ashes and people like you want to talk it out with them.

    The time is coming to remove the science deniers from positions of power if the rest of us want to SURVIVE. Let alone enjoy our time here.

    Personally, I don’t care what happens to them. They’re evil and evil should be wiped from the world.