
epic raidboss superkitty of magic towering above city


This week’s theme is Epic Raid Boss. Let’s see those totally epic supercreatures or clever equivalents.


  • Follow the community’s rules above all else
  • One comment and image per user
  • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
  • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
  • Posts that are tied will both get the points
  • The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
  • Down votes will not be counted


At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:

Prize Points
Most upvoted +3 points
Second most upvoted +2 point
Third most upvoted +1 point
OP’s favorite +1 point
Most original +1 point
Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) +1 point
Prompt and workflow included +1 point

The winner gets to pick next theme! As always, have fun everyone!

Previous entries

  • cron
    8 days ago

    Promt (German), Bing image creator: epischer Endgegner, ein mutierter Tintenfisch mit acht mächtigen Tentakeln und schwerer Panzerung steht einer Gruppe von vier käpfern und zwei Magiern entgegen. düstere, weite Höhle, steinig-feuchte wände, mystisches Licht