Managed to hit the concrete barriers on both sides of a 3 lane highway. Luckily didn’t hit anyone but traffic was about 3km long an hour later and caused another accident within the traffic jam itself.

Edit:grammar, and obligatory - I took the frame from my partner’s video who captured it for me, as I was busy avoiding the debris scattered all over the highway trying not to get a puncture. I don’t touch my phone while I drive, and hope you don’t either.

    5 months ago

    If that’s the driver in the picture, I just can’t help but feel sorry for the guy. His whole life he’s been told having a fancy car means he’s made it in life, but nobody ever taught him how to not look like a slob. Some financing department somewhere is raking in their 20% on the loan, and the insurance company is happy to provide the absolute minimum coverage required by law.