As aliases

alias g-log="git log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)'"
alias g-history='gitk --all &'
alias g-checkout='git checkout $(git branch --sort=-committerdate --no-merged | fzf)'
alias g-commit='git citool &'
alias g-amend='git citool --amend &'
alias g-rebase='git rebase --interactive --autosquash'
alias g-pull='git pull --verbose --rebase'
alias g-pushf='git push --verbose --force-with-lease'
alias g-status='git status --ignored'
alias g-clean='git clean -fdx && git reset --hard && git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -fdx && git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard'
    7 months ago

    So, once again we are at a point in subs like this were the question is: Oblivious autist or arrogance bordering on being an asshole?

    Pointing out someone’s claim that they don’t care about processes when it’s the critical aspect of any professional work is hardly what I’d call an insult.

    See, you’re not claiming that processes are important, you’re claiming that your process is important and your interpretation of Git is the only one allowed, and that everyone who disagress with your opinion is an idiot.

    That is factually wrong, extremely close-minded, unproductive, and really really arrogant