As aliases

alias g-log="git log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)'"
alias g-history='gitk --all &'
alias g-checkout='git checkout $(git branch --sort=-committerdate --no-merged | fzf)'
alias g-commit='git citool &'
alias g-amend='git citool --amend &'
alias g-rebase='git rebase --interactive --autosquash'
alias g-pull='git pull --verbose --rebase'
alias g-pushf='git push --verbose --force-with-lease'
alias g-status='git status --ignored'
alias g-clean='git clean -fdx && git reset --hard && git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -fdx && git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard'
      7 months ago

      If you need anything more complex than cherrypick, you already screwed up big time.

      I think this is a clueless comment. You can use Git to greatly improve your development workflow if you dare going beyond the naive pull/commit/push workflow.

      Take for example interactive rebase. It let’s you do very powerful stuff such as changing the order of commits in a local branch and merge/squash contiguous commits. This unlocks workflows such as peeling off bugfix and cleanup commits from your local feature branch without having to switch branches. I’m talking about doing something like:

      a) - you’re working on your task, b) - you notice a bug that needs fixing, c) - you fix the bug and commit your fix, e) - you continue to work on your task, f) - you notice a typo in your bugfix code, so you post a fixup commit. g) - you post a few commits to finish your task, h) - you noticed your bugfix commit didn’t had the right formatting, so you post a couple of commits to lint your code both in your bugfix commits and task.

      When you feel you’re done, you use interactive rebase to put everything together.

      a) you reorder your commits to move your bugfix commit to the top of your local branch, followed by the typo fixup commit and the linter commit. b) you mark both the typo and linter commits as fixup commits to merge them with the bugfix one, c) you post a PR with the single bugfix commit, d) you finally post a PR for your task.

      Notice that thanks go git interactive rebase you did not had to break out of your workflow or do any sort of context switch to push multiple PRs. You just worked on things you had to work, and in the end you just reorganize the commit history in your local branch to push your work.

      Is this what you call “screwed up big time”?

        7 months ago

        That sounds like a solution in desperate need for a problem.

        All the “problems” you described boil down to “switching branches is evil”.

          7 months ago

          That sounds like a solution in desperate need for a problem.

          It’s ok if you never did any professional software development work. Those who do have to go through these workflows on a daily basis. Some people don’t even understand why version control systems are used or useful, and that is perfectly ok. Those who do work have to understand how to use their tools, and those who don’t can go about their life without even bothering with this stuff.

            7 months ago

            And those who don’t immediately insult everyone at the slightest opposition are the ones who get things done.

            Seriously, your line of thinking is exactly the one of those weird colleagues nobody wants to work with, because they insist on their idiosyncratic bullshit.

            The “problem” you described above is - if it exists at all - extremely niche, and hardly anything anyone should solve with git, but with processes.

            Maybe you have a use for it in your workflow - but that might also mean your workflow might not be the best.

              7 months ago

              And those who don’t immediately insult

              Pointing out someone’s claim that they don’t care about processes when it’s the critical aspect of any professional work is hardly what I’d call an insult.

              Just go ahead and say you don’t use a tool and thus you don’t feel the need to learn it. Claiming that a tool’s basic functionality is “a solution in search for a problem” is as good as announcing your obliviousness,and that you’re discussing stuff you hardly know anything about.

                7 months ago

                So, once again we are at a point in subs like this were the question is: Oblivious autist or arrogance bordering on being an asshole?

                Pointing out someone’s claim that they don’t care about processes when it’s the critical aspect of any professional work is hardly what I’d call an insult.

                See, you’re not claiming that processes are important, you’re claiming that your process is important and your interpretation of Git is the only one allowed, and that everyone who disagress with your opinion is an idiot.

                That is factually wrong, extremely close-minded, unproductive, and really really arrogant