The belief that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are “worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has concluded in a landmark decision.

    5 hours ago

    Point by point argument only make sense if…

    Point by point is an aid to us both: it makes it clear exactly what I’m talking about when and it’s also a way for me to organize my thoughts rather than try to think of everything simultaneously.

    zionnism is by definition , originaly, historicaly and etymologicaly ; anti israel

    Nope. You can repeat it all you want, it still won’t be true.

    And if you want a two state solution you accept the existense of a zionist state

    A two state solution wouldn’t work since Israel won’t be stopped by national borders. See for example the current invasion of Lebanon.

    The only way there’s going to be any hope of peace is one state with equal rights and safety for all.

    Dismantling the current Israeli and Gazan governments and prosecuting their leaders for war crimes would be necessary to achieve that.

    As would a weapons embargo against the fascist Israeli government.

    As for your age and your militantism you cant bullshit anyone. There is no way someone so deep into this modern rhetoric would have an history of following this conflict

    I’m 41 and a pacifist. I keep up with the times (including the most accurate descriptive terms and turns of phrase). I also haven’t been eating Hasbara for breakfast every day of my life.

    I’m guessing neither is the case with you, based on your repetition of stale talking points that used to do the trick back when all dissent was suppressed but don’t now.

    15 years ago anti zionnist was asking for the end of israel and it was possible to still make a difference with antisemitism

    The end of Israeli oppression is not the same thing as the end of Israeli existence. Much as Zionist propagandists like to pretend so, Israel can exist without being an oppressive ethnostate.

    It’s the oppression including the violent displacement that’s the problem, not the mere existence of the country. Always has been. And that’s never been possible to confuse for antisemitism unless you’re brainwashed by Hasbara gaslighting.

    Now the separation is way more blurry with modern polarization of opinion.

    No. You’re seeing more pushback and people voicing vehement opposition to atrocities and are confusing well-founded anger with bigoted hatred. That’s a YOU problem.

    I still dont see what is the possible outcome of this conflict if we start reconsidering the existence of israel as an ethnostate

    Same as with Apartheid South Africa: before the inherently oppressive current system is replaced, peace isn’t possible.

    Like South Africa, Israel will continue to exist, but in a more just and equitable version.

    You are basically cornering ideological radicalized zealot into a total war solution

    Nope. Apartheid South Africa was overthrown by a combination of international and domestic pressure without anything resembling a “total war solution” and so can the fascist apartheid regime of Israel.

    They have a lot of power

    Most of which is granted to them by the West im the form of weapons, financial aid, and political cover. Take that away, make Israel a pariah state like SA was, and suddenly it’s much more difficult to keep up the worst campaign of atrocities the world has seen in this century.

    You seems to think this world will somve this issue peacefully

    We’ve done it before in my lifetime and we can do it again.

    both side are radicalized beyond any turning point.

    Guess what? War criminals being deposed and put on trial tends to go some way towards calming things down.

    Palestinians are radicalized by the Israeli government slaughtering and displacing all their friends and relatives while those who survive don’t even get to be citizens of the country that controls their fate, let alone have equal rights.

    Unless you have anything else add beyond more repetitions of falsehoods and denials of reality, we’re done here.