When Russia launched its invasion in 2022, Ukraine banned foreigners from adopting Ukrainian children. Yet even for Ukrainians, adoptions proved difficult as the war made it harder for courts and state agencies to do their work. However, these problems were solved a few months later, said Daria Kasyanova of SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine, an NGO that looks after orphans.

Because of the war, entire orphanages were relocated to safer regions of Ukraine. Some children were taken abroad where they could not be adopted by Ukrainians. This changed, however, in June 2024.

“Foster parents asked for matters to be simplified,” said Kasyanova. Her organization provides financial support to families who want to adopt an orphaned child evacuated abroad. To do this, families must get to know the child online and then visit them abroad.

“Almost 60 families have already contacted us, for whom we have paid for trips to various countries, including Poland, Germany, Turkey, Austria and Switzerland,” said Kasyanova.