The government will also temporarily raise the fees doctors receive from health insurance around a national holiday period as the strike increases strains on the medical system.
Basically, the med schools want to bring in more students which will, in turn, create more doctors. Existing doctors see this as competition and a threat to their livelihood. They are already well paid in Korea, so it’s just the doctors being greedy. What country wouldn’t want more medical professionals?
One of the plans-to increase the medical school quota across the nation by 66 percent (2,000 more medical students a year) immediately particularly drove the young physicians into hopelessness.
From the first paragraph of the article you posted.
its doctors are among the best-paid in the world, with the average salary for a specialist at a hospital commanding $200,000 a year. Critics of the strike say doctors oppose more competition.
Basically, the med schools want to bring in more students which will, in turn, create more doctors. Existing doctors see this as competition and a threat to their livelihood. They are already well paid in Korea, so it’s just the doctors being greedy. What country wouldn’t want more medical professionals?
None of this is true.
From the first paragraph of the article you posted.
From this Time article.