Ding ding ding
Streaming is the new cable, just more expensive now. Each platform is like a bundle of TV channels.
The big difference is no contracts (yet), and easy cancellation. I’m more annoyed at the fragmentation than the price, and I’m more willing to pay the exorbitant price because I limit it to two services at any given time
And YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, BitTorrent…
People have a lot more choices now than they did in the bad old days of high cable bills. If streaming services charge too much people will just bail back to free stuff.
I’ll preface this by saying I pirate everything and don’t fuck with streaming. But for those who don’t, isn’t the best practice just to rotate a service or two a a time? Do you really need to sub to every service perpetually?
Streaming is getting shittier for sure, but even at its worst right now it’s still a lot better than cable ever was. Packages/services are more granular to choose from, signup and cancel on a monthly basis, no customer service rep hell bent on not letting you leave, and no hardware to install/rent/return.
I went to physical media (legally acquired) and spent countless hours format shifting to self host (Jellyfin) and never looking back. At this point if I can’t buy it, I don’t watch it.
You can save all that money by becoming a pirate.
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No, not everyone misunderstands. Clearly the streaming services understand the high pain threshold.
Unfortunately it’s tough to find some of the Disney kid oriented stuff.
Ever since I subscribed to jellyfin, I haven’t had to look elsewhere. They have everything I want on there!
Forgive my ignorance, but isn’t it so that Jellyfin doesn’t provide the content, it’s you who upload it? Or have I understood this completely backwards?
All my memories of how the content got there are a bit hazy
They even have music and audiobooks!
Why pay a streaming provider to stream your shit when you can build a mediocre streaming service to peddle your shit? Because you have to peddle a lot otherwise your customers realise that you only had like 2 good movies and a TV series.
It was a golden age for about 15 years. It’ll suck for awhile, then something else will revolutionize it again and be good for another 15, if old patterns hold.
I worked at a cable company in my youth. This was the obvious response. Everyone seemed to think that if they could just have a-la-carte cable that they’d be happy (and thought that they’d pay less). What most wouldn’t believe is that a LOT of those channels you didn’t care about were either free to the provider, or in the case of things like QVC were actually subsidizing more expensive channels (ESPN being the biggest one).
Streaming is cheaper for me than cable cuz I don’t watch sports. Anything sports is crazy expensive which is why cable was so expensive.
Because the Free Market demands it.
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