It was around 9.30pm when, according to Mr Watson, he watched a white, blinking light come in from the several kilometres out over the ocean, moving in a way that was “impossible to explain”, before being joined by a second light.

The objects “darted around the sky” and “buzzed over the town” at incredible speed.

“They chased each other around the sky like dogs at a park,” he said. “These things instantly go from standing still to the other side of the sky.”

About an hour later, Mr Watson “saw a triangle come in from the ocean”.

“It was about an acre in size — it was huge,” he said.

“It just hovered at an altitude of about 400 feet. I had no idea what it was. It was absolutely mind-blowing to witness it, [it was like] nothing I’d ever seen on earth. My mind couldn’t categorise it.”

He added the giant triangle, which had dim lights on the corners and was not bright like the earlier objects, looked “organic”.

“It looked like snakeskin — charcoal and brown”

The strange sighting inspired Mr Watson to sign up as a volunteer field researcher with the Australian chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a US-based non-profit which collects reports of UFO sightings across the world.