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Hungary batting for the other side on Ukraine, Estonia foreign minister says

Viktor Orban’s Hungary is not aligned with the majority of western countries on Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, and could even be said to be siding with the opposing camp, Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus Tsahkna has conceded.

Speaking to ETV show “Välisilm” on Monday evening, the minister said: “Unfortunately, it is really the case that Orban has started ‘batting for the opposing team’ on this particular matter.”

“I think he is speaking to his own voters in Hungary, and so is far removed from what we have agreed upon in Europe,” Tsahkna added.

As to the EU’s limited ability to act against Hungary, given that it currently holds the EU presidency, the minister responded, “There is still something we can do.”

“The EU Treaty’s Article 7 procedure has been initiated, which may result in the suspension of a member state’s voting rights.”

“I am certainly not optimistic on this though, because it requires the consent of all 26 other member states, though at least we want right now to to create a situation in the near future whereby 21 countries can move forward with this process.”