Has anyone had a whiteish mass in their egg before? I looked online and some people said it’s intestinal lining some said ovary parts. Not sure, but it looks too big to be the white strandy stuff.
Has anyone had a whiteish mass in their egg before? I looked online and some people said it’s intestinal lining some said ovary parts. Not sure, but it looks too big to be the white strandy stuff.
if this is farm fresh, it might be a fetus. i raised chickens so I’ve seen this before… there’s quite a few streaks of blood in the white as well, suggesting it might be fertilized… you said you didn’t have a rooster but without that knowledge I would have been certain of it. do you have a neighbor with free range chickens who might have a rooster?
No. My chickens stick to their run as well so a rooster can’t have broken in. That’s so bizarre.
A rooster in disguise?
Pretend to be a babe to get the babes